Friday, October 28, 2011

Paper Piecing Winners: Queen of Green, Top Mow It Alls and Honorable Gnomes

My, my my... What a fabulous turn out we had for our paper piecing challenge! Seriously. We had a lot of participation with this challenge! YIPPEE!!!!!!!! We also welcome quite a few first timers! We hope to see you again for our next challenge!!!!!

A BIG thank you to Laurie Wilson for guest designing with us. It was an honor to have you!!!! And another shout out for our amazing sponsor, the fab Lawn Fawn!!!!

And now, let's get to it! Our winners! Our grand prize winner, and the winner of any Lawn Fawn stamp set of your choice is........

Danielle, congratulations. Please email me at laurelkbeard at gmail dot com with the stamp set of your choice and mailing address!

And our top mow it alls, in no particular order:

Be sure to pick up your badge by right clicking, saving as!

And our Honorable Gnomes, in no particular order:

Be sure to pick up your winner badges (right click, save as).........

Thanks to everyone who played along with us! You made it incredibly hard for the Design Team to select winners, let me just tell you. But in our book, you are ALL WINNERS! :):):):):)

So, next week is a 5th week, which means no Lawnscaping challenge, sniff sniff!!!!  BUT, we do have something else fun in store for you, so be sure to check back with us. I am also SUPER excited for our next challenge. AND we have an AMAZING guest designer for November. Can't wait!!!!!


  1. That text body snowman with the cloud hat has melted my heart! Congrats to Danielle!

  2. yahoooooooooo! congratulations to danielle!! i just LOVED your card when i saw it on your blog!! and congratulations to everyone else too! all of the cards and projects are just amazing!

  3. so excited to see so many of my crafty girls winning this challenge! congrats to everyone, so much talent!

    -rachel w k

  4. Thank you so much Lawnscaping! You made me smile really big-large! :) I love playing along with your challenges, and my beloved LF stamps :) I'm honored to be featured amongst such talented designers. I'm off to individual blogs now to leave some love!

  5. WOW - amazing cards - BIG congrats everyone! + Thank you so much Lawnscaping for fabulous inspiration and for showing my card - Hugs from a very happy Karin

  6. Am I an honorable gnome? I clicked the link, but it brings me back to the lawnscaping blog for the contest. Just checking, because I definitely want a badge if I am!! :)

  7. WooHoo!!!! Congratulations to Danielle. Very nice card. Congratulations to all of the Honorable Gnomes especially Samantha.


  8. I love the cozy Christmas card! So classically Christmas! Thanks for the honorable gnome! Keeps me encouraged! Congrats to everyone!

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Thank you for taking the time to leave us a comment. For immediate questions, please email Laurel at laurelkbeard at gmail dot com. Have a super day!